Our firm has undertaken landholder compensation assessment of mining and petroleum activities for over 25 years, and pioneered many of the compensation assessment practices that are now routine industry practice. With complementary skills in the fields of land valuation and agricultural production, our experts are uniquely qualified to provide competent and robust assessments.
Petroleum producers and miners often need to acquire easements and, in some cases, entire properties. Our valuers have been involved in many land and easement acquisition projects. They can assist in ensuring fair value for acquired areas and any consequential damages.
We can provide registered valuations of rural properties for a range of purposes, including capital gains tax, stamp duty, due diligence, and inter-generational transfers. We are a specialist rural valuation firm and do not undertake residential or commercial valuations.
GPO Box 948
Brisbane QLD 4000
136-138 Northern Road
[PO Box 1243] Roma QLD 4455
4001 Ipswich Boonah Road
[PO Box 378] Boonah QLD 4310
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Broking services provided by Leichardt Agribusiness Pty Ltd t/a Leichardt Group (ABN 71 619 738 466) – a registered credit representative (CRN 386323) of Astute Financial Management Australian Credit Licence Number 364253
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