517.998* ha 1,280* acres
180-200 dry Cattle to feeders.
Quality Brigalow Country Opportunity
517.998* hectares (1,280* acres) Freehold
Leichardt Group is excited to present “Glen Idylle” a 517.998* (1,280* acres) freehold property on quality Brigalow soils with 4km* Banana creek frontage in a premier
Banana – 15km*
Moura – 34km*
Biloela – 59km*
Rockhampton – 164km*
A genuine opportunity, in a prime location just 15km north of Banana in the Dawson valley with fattening and cropping potential.
Sale Process
Closing 4pm Thursday 20th of February (Unless Sold Prior)
Inspections by appointment with exclusive selling agents
Barry Hoare 0427 134 750
Scott Kostecki 0428 182 222
Leichardt Group | Brisbane | Roma | Boonah *Denotes approximate
We make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information relating to the property. Some information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether express or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us as to the accuracy of any part of this, or any further information supplied by or on our behalf, whether orally or in writing. No entity or person guarantees the performance of the property. The information is general information only and any examples given are for illustrative purposes. The information does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend that you obtain financial, legal and taxation advice before making any decision. Any price is not a valuation and should not be relied on or treated as such. Prices, if indicated, have been estimated based on recent market evidence in the locality for comparable properties, to the extent available. Prices may not include GST.
Mobile: 0428 182 222
Mobile: 0427 134 750
Email: property@leichardt.com.au
GPO Box 948
Brisbane QLD 4000
136-138 Northern Road
[PO Box 1243] Roma QLD 4455
4001 Ipswich Boonah Road
[PO Box 378] Boonah QLD 4310
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Broking services provided by Leichardt Agribusiness Pty Ltd t/a Leichardt Group (ABN 71 619 738 466) – a registered credit representative (CRN 386323) of Astute Financial Management Australian Credit Licence Number 364253
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